Nationals 2018 - Pittsburgh PA

Going into nats, I was really worried about my knee. I wasn’t able to run all week on my knee and tried to do some things to make it better. The only thing I could do at that point is rest and try to believe in my training. The week went on and my nerves actually didn’t get worse as the race day came closer. I was content with my training, but I wasn’t content with my finish at regionals two weeks before. That Saturday I woke up and got dressed for my race. I knew I was fit and couldn’t let my knee get into my own head. We arrived at the corse and got checked in. Strangely I was more calm at Nationals than I have been for most of my races. Warm up was followed by the Pre-Race National Anthem (and Canada’s National Anthem). The cameras were on and the starter was ready. When we took off my nerves completely left, but as soon as we got started we had a restart because a guy from School of Mines fell at the start. Following the 2nd start I soon found out this years race would be slow for everyone due to the mud. My knee made it all the way to the 5k mark before hurting really bad. Coming up the very steep hill with .8k to go was the worst pain my knee felt, but the excitement of the finish line was on my mind at the time. To my surprise I was our 4th guy that day and our team who was untangled going into the race was 15th after the fact. Briggs received a very well deserved all American Honor, and we all went home content with the finish for now. My knee is going to need some rest, but I can take this break and be happy with the way my teammates ran and my own finish. Ready for indoor for real this time ;)
